Recurly Integration with Zendesk or Salesforce

Reduce subscriber churn through guided retention workflows

Billing, subscription, and membership cases are challenging for your agents – with thousands of inquiries and requests to cancel, change, upgrade, or downgrade, all the while trying to keep customers happy and reduce customer churn. But it’s even harder to handle these requests when your agents have to flip back and forth between their CRM and billing system screens. It takes too long, is error prone and it makes it too easy for agents to just skip the “customer save” plays when a customer calls to cancel.

FlowEQ helps Recurly customers handle all membership, subscription, and billing issues quickly from right inside their current Zendesk or Salesforce screens they’re familiar with. Your agents can impress your customers with faster service, more knowledgeable issue resolution, and be guided through carefully curated workflows that help retain customers.

Our Recurly integration with Salesforce and Zendesk makes it easy to:

  • Automate subscription changes and refunds with pre-built integration to your Recurly billing system
  • Reduce customer churn with easy-to-follow workflows that guide agents through your customer save plays when a customer calls to cancel
  • Get through cases faster by automatically pulling data and writing information into Recurly while the agents work exclusively within their existing Salesforce or Zendesk screens
  • Increase accuracy by walking agents through error-proof workflows that ensure billing and subscription issues are handled correctly the first time
  • Rapidly respond to changes using our easy Smart Flow Builder to create dynamic decision trees that are easy to update as your subscription offers and business evolve
  • Handle customer on-boarding, upgrades, billing questions and other subscription plan changes all from within your CRM with easy-to-use decision trees that can be customized and connectors that automatically update your subscription management and Recurly billing system
  • Improve customer satisfaction by automating menial tasks to speed up the process and eliminate errors
  • Onboard new agents faster with interactive decision trees built right inside Salesforce or Zendesk that get them up to speed in hours instead of days which is critical for managing surge events with greater freedom

FlowEQ saves customers time and money everyday


Support tickets accelerated


Faster customer resolution




Faster agent

FlowEQ Process Acceleration Platform

FlowEQ orchestrates data and automates steps behind the scenes while accelerating your employees through error-proof workflows. The FlowEQ Process Acceleration Platform is a no-code workflow automation software solution that helps you build interactive decision trees, ensure high-stake processes are followed every time, and measure and drive insights for constant improvement.

Pre-integrated with all the other systems customer service teams need to interact with

FlowEQ is an absolute miracle for a business like ours with complex troubleshooting workflows. I wish I had access to it in all of my previous businesses.

John Doe, CEO
Acme Inc.

Ready to speed up your team’s recurring work? 

What can Recurly integrations do for my company?
What should teams look for when evaluating Recurly integrations and automation solutions?